I have a date column which should normally display a date, except for a special date: 12/31/9999. The date is 12/31/9999 is our equivalent of NULL, so I want to display a meaningful string rather than the date. I also need filtering enabled on the column and cannot have the date showing up there, either.
Hi Sam,
You might be able to do this using a DataFilter. You would place an UltraCalendarCombo or UltraDateTimeEditor on the form and create a DataFilter class that translate the values. Then you set the columns EditorControl property to the editor control.
FYI: The whole grid is locked down as read only...
I just added a UltraCalendarCombo to the form, when into the correct column and set the EditorComponent to the UltraCalendarCombo, when I ran the program, the column was blank :(
Where can I go to get the step by step on this? I did it once, but that was like 6 months ago ;)
Thanks, your approach worked great! Initially I forgot there are a lot of NULL, opps.