Hi Brian,
I refer you to a forum post where you helped my by telling me of the existance of the UltraDayView_AppointmentsDragComplete event.
This helped me greatly to perform validation on moved appointments. I was previously using the "BEFORE" and "AFTER" AppointmentsMoved Events but the problem with these is they fire every time the appointment being moved "slots into" a different timeslot - thus firing several time unecessarily and causing my validation errors if I dragged over an "invalid" owner.
I want to perform the similar valiation to appointments which are resized. The problem again is that I "think" i only have the options of "BEFORE" and "AFTER" AppointmentResized events. If I have 5 minutes interval timeslots and I want to drag the size of the appointment an Extra hour... this means 12 unncessary fires of the BEFORE and AFTER Events.
Is there a similar behaving event to the "AppointmentsDragComplete" that I can utilise for appointment resizing? One which does not fire until the resize has completely finished? Or is there another way I should be handling this??? Should i be using the Appointment.Validation events instead?
Your assistance is always appreciated
I'm still looking for the same event.Have you got a solution in the meantime?
Hi, I'm looking for an answer to this problem too. Can anyone offer a solution before I log a support task?