When refreshing an ultragrid I have been having sporadic (or what I thought were sporadic) problems where the grid would go black or flash before the grid was refreshed.
As I have done some more testing, I have found that the grid only seems to exhibit this behavior if you are refreshing the grid from a point where the numbers of rows in the grid does NOT completely fill the viewport (there is no vertical scroll bar). That is, if I refresh the data and bind to the grid and the grid already had more rows than were visible in the viewport (there IS a vertical scroll bar), I don’t get this flash/black grid behavior.
I have tried wrapping the grid refresh process with Suspend/Resume Layout and Begin/End Update both on the grid itself, its parent control, and the form all to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
What exactly do you mean by "refreshing the grid?"
I am not sure how to answer your question aside from just showing you the code...
Below is the code that executes each time the grid is "refreshed" with a new set of data...
I hope this make sense to you...
I have left out stuff that does not reference the grid at all.
ultraGrid1:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction:Select.
METHOD PUBLIC LOGICAL GetFirstBatch ( ): System.Windows.Forms.Cursor:Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors:WaitCursor. batchGrid:BeginUpdate().
ClearData(). /* code for this method is below */
GetTopBatch(). /* code for this method is below */
batchGrid:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction:Select. FormatColumns("Current"). /* this method just sets some props on the grid columns */ SetBatchState(). /* code for this method is below */ IF batchGrid:Rows:Count GT 0 THEN DO: batchGrid:ActiveRow = batchGrid:Rows:Item[0]. batchGrid:ActiveRow:Selected = TRUE. END. ELSE RETURN FALSE. RETURN TRUE. FINALLY: batchGrid:EndUpdate(). System.Windows.Forms.Cursor:Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors:Default. END FINALLY. END METHOD. /* GetFirstBatch */
METHOD PUBLIC VOID ClearData ( ): DEFINE VARIABLE queryHandle AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hTtHandle AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DatasetHandle:EMPTY-DATASET NO-ERROR. ContextRowid = ?. queryHandle = DatasetHandle:TOP-NAV-QUERY(1). hTtHandle = DatasetHandle:GET-TOP-BUFFER(1):TABLE-HANDLE. queryHandle:QUERY-PREPARE("preselect each " + hTtHandle:Name). queryHandle:QUERY-OPEN(). CATCH eAppError AS Progress.Lang.AppError: UNDO, THROW eAppError. END CATCH. FINALLY: HasFirst = TRUE. END FINALLY. END METHOD. /* ClearData */
METHOD PUBLIC VOID GetTopBatch ( INPUT lCurrent AS LOGICAL ): ContextRowid = ?. FetchData(). /* code for this method is below */ BatchGrid:Refresh(). RecordCount = BatchSource:Count. SetBatchState(lCurrent). RETURN. END METHOD. /* GetTopBatch */
METHOD PUBLIC OVERRIDE VOID FetchData ( ): DEFINE VARIABLE cWhere AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE queryHandle AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hTtHandle AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DatasetHandle:EMPTY-DATASET NO-ERROR. IF NOT(VALID-OBJECT(curDataAccess)) THEN curDataAccess = createDataAccessObject(). ASSIGN queryHandle = DatasetHandle:TOP-NAV-QUERY(1) hTtHandle = DatasetHandle:GET-TOP-BUFFER(1):TABLE-HANDLE . queryHandle:QUERY-PREPARE("preselect each " + hTtHandle:Name + " " + SortExpression). cWhere = SetWhereClause (INPUT curDataAccess:DatabaseTableName, INPUT FALSE). curDataAccess:WhereClause = cWhere. curDataAccess:BatchSize = BatchSize. curDataAccess:EventProcHandle = EventProcHandle. curDataAccess:fetchBatch (INPUT-OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE DatasetHandle BY-REFERENCE, INPUT-OUTPUT ContextRowid). /* We'll unsubscribe the OffEnd event if we've gotten all records. */ IF ContextRowid EQ ? OR TRIM(ContextRowid) EQ "" THEN SubOffEnd(FALSE). ELSE SubOffEnd(TRUE). queryHandle:QUERY-OPEN(). CATCH eAppError AS Progress.Lang.AppError: UNDO, THROW eAppError. END CATCH. FINALLY: SetHasFirst(curDataAccess:DatabaseTableName). CheckBatchState(). END FINALLY. END METHOD. /* FetchData */
METHOD PUBLIC VOID SetBatchState ( INPUT lCurrent AS LOGICAL ): /* If we're in word search and done batching, enable column sorting */ IF WordSearchMode EQ TRUE AND IsBatched EQ FALSE THEN DO: BatchGrid:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction:Select. FormatColumns("NoChange"). END. IF VALID-OBJECT(BatchUtilityBar) THEN DO: IF IsBatched EQ TRUE THEN DO: BatchUtilityBar:SetGroupByEnableState(FALSE). END. ELSE DO: BatchUtilityBar:SetGroupByEnableState(TRUE). END. END. IF FetchingAll EQ FALSE AND IsBatched EQ FALSE THEN DO: BatchGrid:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction:Select. IF lCurrent THEN FormatColumns("Current"). ELSE FormatColumns("Reset"). END. BatchSource:Batching = NOT HasLast. IF NOT(Progress.Util.EnumHelper:AreEqual (BatchGrid:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction,HeaderClickAction:ExternalSortSingle)) THEN BatchGrid:DisplayLayout:Override:HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction:ExternalSortSingle. SetScrollTip(). END METHOD. /* SetBatchState */