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Getting "The ActiveNode can only be set to a node that belongs to this control." error when node is part of the control

I have version 2009.2  and I am running into the same problem.  I can loop through all of the nodes and their child nodes and find the node that I am trying to activate but it gives me the error.  Here is my code 

It reaches the if (parentNode.Nodes.Contains(_clickedNode)) and it returns true but as soon as I hit the line ActiveNode = parentNode.Nodes[_clickedNode.Index]; it errors out with "The ActiveNode can only be set to a node that belongs to this control."


   private void SetNodeAsActive(UltraTreeNode parentNode, UltraTreeNode clickedNode)


            if (parentNode.Nodes.Contains(_clickedNode))



                parentNode.Nodes[_clickedNode.Index].Selected = true;


                ActiveNode = parentNode.Nodes[_clickedNode.Index];




                foreach (var parentNodes in parentNode.Nodes)


                    SetNodeAsActive(parentNodes, clickedNode);





I have also tried and I get the error as well


        private void SetNodeAsActive(UltraTreeNode parentNode, UltraTreeNode clickedNode)


            if (parentNode.Nodes.Contains(_clickedNode))



                _clickedNode.Selected = true;


                ActiveNode = _clickedNode;




                foreach (var parentNodes in parentNode.Nodes)


                    SetNodeAsActive(parentNodes, clickedNode);




No Data
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    Is there anyone who can help on this.  This is causing part of our software not to be implemented in production.  PLEASE HELP!!!!!
