How can I iterate through all of the rows in a grid when there are outlook group by rows? When I try to just go through the rows collection, it is return a UltraGridGroupByRow object?
You can iterate through all rows in the grid in all bands with this method:
grid.Rows.GetRowEnumerator(GridRowType.DataRow, null, null);
The last two parameters are used to get rows of some of the bands.
Thanks - that helped - what event should I use to iterate through the grid to checek for a checkbox variable count? I tried AfterCellUpdate but doesn't seem to know it is checked
For Each ur As UltraGridRow In UltraGrid1.Rows.GetRowEnumerator(GridRowType.DataRow, Nothing, Nothing)
Each ur As UltraGridRow In UltraGrid1.Rows.GetRowEnumerator(GridRowType.DataRow, Nothing, Nothing
If ur.Cells("Select").Value = 1
Hello Scott,
Have you tried the Amiram's suggestions?
If you have any other questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact us.
The AfterCellUpdate is fired only when the cell has lost focus, so for a checkbox cell you have two options:
1. Use CellChange event but you need to use the cell Text property.
2. Use CellChange event and call PerformAction to exit edit mode whenever the cell is a checkbox (which is very reasonable and all my grids works like that). This way you can use the AfterCellUpdate event safely, but don't use Row.Cells[name] because it is creating a cell, but use row.GetCellValue.
I think you should check if the value equals true, not 1.