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Ultracombo - SetInitialValue



Can someone explain to me what's going on here...

I'm populating a grid based on a value selected in a stand alone UltraCombo.  When opening the form I would like to initialize the combo with the most common selection and thus populate the grid with data.

Performing SetInitialValue automatically calls the ValueChanged event - which is great.

If I designate my ultracombo to be of style "DropDown" the following code runs fine - meaning that, in the ValueChanged event, the value has a valid value.  However, if I simply change the style to "DropDownList" the ucChooseVendor.Value is null.

I had initially setup a bunch of forms with the style being DropDown (the default) but realized that the user could type text within the dropdown which I did not want - so I changed them to DropDownList style.

PS #1: Is there a way to have a DropDown style and yet prevent them from changing the list items (i.e., typeing) in the control?

PS #2: I also noticed that with the DropDown style, when I type bogus info into the combo the ucChooseVendor.Value is the value of the bogus data rather than say maybe null or -1.  In other words, why now all of a sudden, does the control want to return the DisplayMember vs the ValueMember?

All-in-all, somewhat confusing behavior in my opionion.



private void form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


.....other code here....

ucChooseVendor.SetInitialValue(drv["VendorID"].ToString(), drv["Name"].ToString());






private void ucChooseVendor_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs









DataTable dt = DataLayer.Vendors.GetGLAccountVendorItems(ucChooseVendor.Value.ToString()); // <= Value is Null here depending on style







  • 69832
    Offline posted

    mnewmister said:
    If I designate my ultracombo to be of style "DropDown" the following code runs fine - meaning that, in the ValueChanged event, the value has a valid value.  However, if I simply change the style to "DropDownList" the ucChooseVendor.Value is null.

    I stepped through our code in this scenario and this appears to be a bug. You should report it so that you receive a notification when the fix becomes available.

    mnewmister said:
    PS #1: Is there a way to have a DropDown style and yet prevent them from changing the list items (i.e., typeing) in the control?

    Yes, you can handle the KeyPress event and set the Handled property of the event arguments to true.

    mnewmister said:
    PS #2: I also noticed that with the DropDown style, when I type bogus info into the combo the ucChooseVendor.Value is the value of the bogus data rather than say maybe null or -1.  In other words, why now all of a sudden, does the control want to return the DisplayMember vs the ValueMember?

    This is correct behavior. The DropDownList style is patterned after the same property of the .NET ComboBox control - under 'DropDown' style, the contents of the edit portion is returned when the value matches no items in the list (no match means no selected item), but under 'DropDownList', it returns null when no item is selected.

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