Hi All,
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the font and font colour of the MoreIndicatorText ("more..." by default)?
My problem is the chart could have a Black background which will make the MoreIndicatorText invisible...
Great, thanks!
that is a safe assumption.
Thanks, David! That worked a treat. I noticed the MoreIndicator text always seems to be near the end of the collection of primitives. Can we further presume that the MoreIndicator text will always be the last "more..." primitive?
you're correct in your observation that there isn't much to distinguish the "more" label in the SceneGraph. you could use the Path as well as the Text string, but this could still be a false positive in the unlikely event that you have "more..." as one of your row labels.
void ch_FillSceneGraph(object sender, FillSceneGraphEventArgs e)
foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph)
Text t = p as Text;
if (t != null && t.Path == "Border.Title.Legend" && t.GetTextString() == "more...")
t.labelStyle.FontColor = Color.OrangeRed;
Does anyone have any more information on determining the Text primitive for the more text indicator in the FillSceneGraph event?