Hello Infragistics support,
So I hooked up the Ultramessagbox and found that the buttons are the standard xp buttons. I wanted to apply the Office 2007 theme.
I'm largely wanting to avoid the question of the stylist application and so tried the following:
UltraMessageBoxInfo info = new UltraMessageBoxInfo();
info.ButtonAppearance.BackColor = Office2007ColorTable.Colors.ButtonBackColor;
Unfortunately this didn't work.
I'm using the stylist for a single element (<style role="ListViewColumnHeader">) so I thought I would be able to easily edit it to incorporate this. Unfortunately my efforts were unsuccesful I imported the 2 available resources for normal and hot- tracking from the supplied isl files but the buttons would not update. I have attached the file and would appreciate any pointers there.
I just want to set the Office 2007 theme on the messagebox buttons, can you tell me what I need to do to get the messagebox to open with the equivalent of a ViewStyle = Office2007?
As a aside, I would encourage you to seriously consider providing straight forward themes that can be assigned using properties. I have found this appstyle thing to be largely unsatisfactory and a serious time sink.
DevExpress provides skins for their controls, I pick the one I want and I'm done. All color variations are covered. That way I can get on with the work at hand. With your stuff, there seems to be no way to theme a basic button so it is consistent for active/hover and pressed etc. I have to go to stylist and work out border colours for when a button is in hover or pressed state. I thought you guys had that all figured out? Just let me know which switch I need to flick.
I'd just like to get stuff done not fiddle with colour schemes.
Here's my isl file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<styleSets defaultStyleSet="ListViewHeader">
<styleSet name="ListViewHeader">
<style role="ListViewColumnHeader">
<state name="Normal">
<resource name="GridColumnHeader_Normal" backColor="244, 247, 250" foreColor="64, 94, 131" borderColor="191, 197, 210" imageBackgroundStyle="Stretched" backColor2="211, 220, 233" backGradientStyle="Vertical" imageBackgroundStretchMargins="2, 2, 2, 2" />
Hello ,
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Thanks for the interesting reply.
In my opinion by catering to a minority with an eye for visual design and that want to fully restyle their applications, you throw the rest of us who want to work with standard UI's to the wolves. Only sayin'
The problem with using your Office2007 isl to style the messagebox buttons is illustated in this image.
I am showing the messagebox button alongside the buttons of 3 other control vendors. The shade of blue appears to be off for the theme (looks rather dull) in addition the buttons do not support a look for pressed or hot tracking. This are details what I would be expecting to see.
Now, here's your explorer bar. The right block is there to illustrate hot tracking.
The messagebox is using the office 2007 theme as is the explorer bar. Obviously something is broken there because they don't look like they share the same theme.
I really think you should have standard themes that work consistenly across all your controls or we end up with this mess of inconsistent colours across our applications. Also makes me wonder, if you can't get the colours right using your designers that know this toolkit more than most, what chance do I have?
You appear to be saying, "if you don't like our colours go design your own". However we are buying your controls because we want flexible controls with theming support that allows us to create asthetically pleasing applications.
I either take what you're offering here or go and create my own using your styling application. Get a few developers around the world doing the same thing and that's loads of pain and suffering as well as hours down the pan.
You can solve this for us by just providing a consistent base line. That way the 80% of us can get up and running being productive whilst the 20% consult with design agencies to syle their applications.
Unfortunately, based on the hours I've spent on this so far I have no hope of getting this to work as expected as things stand.
To this end I would appreciate if you could you please let me know what I need to add to my existing isl file as detailed above to make this work.
Many thanks