I'm using the ultratabbedmdimanager in a windows forms application using vb.net. Can you tell me how to set the active tab at run time?
Thank you.
I translated Mike Dour’s response from this forum case to VB.
Dim activeChildManager As UltraToolbarsManager = Me.ultraToolbarsManager1.ActiveMdiChildManager
If activeChildManager Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim childTab As RibbonTab = activeChildManager.Ribbon.Tabs("RibbonTabKey")
Dim parentTab As RibbonTab = childTab.AttachedParentTab
If parentTab Is Nothing Then
Me.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.SelectedTab = parentTab
I think this will give you the information you need. Let me know if you have more questions.
Thank you but I'm not using the Ultratoolbarsmanager in this case. Just the Ultratabbedmdimanager. This doesn't seem to apply.