Hi, we have a column chooser on the grid with over 400 columns. Since it's so many columns, it's slow to scroll and find the column we want. So we want to add an text box in the column chooser, if the user type some letters, the column chooser will automactially scroll to the column starting with the typed letters. Is there anyway to do it ? Thanks
There isn't any way to do this, presently. You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.
ScrollControlIntoView is a dotnet framework method, it's nothing to do with Infragistics or the ColumnChooser. And since the Column Chooser buttons are not actually controls, I don't see how it would be of any use to you in this case.
Thank you, Mike. If there's no existing feature, is it possible that we can implement it ourselves ? I mean, is it doable ?
Thank you for your insights Mike. Maybe one last thing we can do is build our own column chooser..
I don't think it's possible.
If I were going to attempt to do this, I would probably start by handling the grid's BeforeColumnChooserDisplayed event. This event gives you a reference to the ColumChooserDialog. From there, you could get the controls that are on this dialog. I think you will find that there is only one control and it's actually a ColumnChooser control. You could then try to add a TextBox into the dialog and move the ColumnChooser to make room for it. This may not work, though. It's possible that the ColumnChooser gets positioned by the dialog after the event fires, in which case whatever positioning you do will be overwritten.
The next part is even trickier. You would have to find some way to apply a filter to the ColumnChooser. It doesn't have any built-in filtering functionality, so once again, this may not be possible. But, as it happens, the ColumnChooser control actually contains a WinGrid inside it and you can use the ColmunChooser.Controls collection to get access to the WinGrid. You could then try to apply a Filter to it using the ColumnFilters collection just as you would in any other grid.
Again, there are any number of things that the ColumnChooser might be doing internally that would make this approach fail. It was never intended for this kind of customization.