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How to Bind the UltraTree in the proper way?

I am trying to bind the UltraTree using a Linq extension which return a hirarchical structure.

Unfortunately the tree is displaying the data in a bizarre way ...

The structure is 

 - Name

Where of course for each IList<Object> there can be an additional list of childs

The treeview shows me only the 4 nodes in the root and an additional column containing the full structure of the childs displayed using the toString() method of the IList<T>

How it works this control?  

No Data
  • 310

    Just to clarify this is the code I am using:

    A hierarchy structure of objects:

        public sealed class WorkflowLogHierarchy
            public WorkflowLogContract Log { get; set; }
            public IList Childs { get; set; }

    Then I have created a simple extension which create the correct tree structure

            public static IList GetJobHierarchy(this IList allLogs, WorkflowLogContract parentLog)
                Guid? parentUid = null;
                if (parentLog != null)
                    parentUid = parentLog.UniqueId;
                var childLogs = allLogs.Where(x => x.ParentUniqueId == parentUid);
                List hierarchy = new List();
                foreach (var childLog in childLogs)
                    hierarchy.Add(new WorkflowLogHierarchy { Log = childLog, Childs = GetJobHierarchy(allLogs, childLog) });
                return hierarchy;

    This code works because if I bind this structure to a WPF treeview or a simple WInFOrm treeview I get the expected result. On you control I just get a weird and bizarre result so it means that your control has some constraint on the data it can displays. Can you explain me how I should structure the data for your control? Thank you

