Do you guys have some complete example on how to use the UltraProgressBar, using a seperate thread for it to run on ? Using the BackroundWorker for example ...
I ran into this example but it's horrible ( no offense ) ... it's not handling all the events of the BackroundWorker for example, http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=9838
I need to use the UltraProgressBar while seeking data for multiple controls ... because it takes approx 5 seconds to load all the controls ... It should fire up after the user selects a new entry from a DropDown Box ( the box is CSLA databound, and fires of loads of events when selected_item_changed fires ... )
Do you have a complete example on how to use it IN CODE for me ?
Thanx in advance,EE.
I attached a demo
hello do you have an example for vb.net. thx
Hi Brian,
Thanx for the demo ... but as usually the demo's are so simple ( from the Net ) ...
I don't have any counter for getting the data ... e.g. how many items etc. They're all taken from the database at once
So I can't anything like this ... some int counter:for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i ++ ) { if ( this.taskCanceled ) { e.Cancel = true; this.BeginInvoke( new MethodInvoker(this.OnTaskComplete) ); break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) ); worker.ReportProgress( i ); }
I have a "Manager" class which the Form uses to populate it's data ...
I'm getting the data OnPropertyChanged on a databound UltraCombo ...which is then databound to a CSLA List class ...
So here's how I load the data ( in the Manager class ):
The "SelectedProjectID" is databound to a UltraCombo, Value field ...Have a look at this line in particular, it gets the data:this.LoadProperty(_currentProjectProperty, Project.GetParticularProjectsByUsernameAndEmployeeTypeId(this.SelectedProjectID, Username, EmployeeTypeID));
This is fired when the property in the UltraGrid changes ( because the SelectedProjectID is databound to that UltraCombo for available projects) :protected override void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { base.OnPropertyChanged(propertyName); if (propertyName != "CanSave") { if (CurrentProject != null) CanSave = this.IsSavable && CurrentProject.IsSavable; } if (propertyName == "SelectedProjectID") { //Remove the <Please Select A Project> if this is the FIRST time a project is being selected ... if (this.AvailableProjects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == 0) != null) this.AvailableProjects.Remove(this.AvailableProjects.First(x => x.Key == 0)); //eyðir "<Please Select A Project>" ... sem ætti bara að vera í **1sta** skipið sem keyrt er inn í AddNewProject() //TODO: bjóða notanda upp á að vista ef að CurrentProject er Dirty: if (this.CurrentProject != null) { if (this.CurrentProject.IsDirty) { this.LoadProperty(_previouslySelectedProjectIDProperty, SelectedProjectID); this.LoadProperty(_needToPromptForLastSelectedProjectProperty, true); PreviouslyUnsavedProject = CurrentProject; } } //just to make sure the grid is only displaying 1 project: this.LoadProperty(_currentProjectsProperty, ProjectList.NewList()); //Gert svona, því ekki er hægt að CLEAR'a CSLA rót if (SelectedProjectID > 0) //if 0 ... New project is being created { this.LoadProperty(_currentProjectProperty, Project.GetParticularProjectsByUsernameAndEmployeeTypeId(this.SelectedProjectID, Username, EmployeeTypeID)); //CurrentProject = Project.GetParticularProjectsByUsernameAndEmployeeTypeId(this.SelectedProjectID, Username, EmployeeTypeID); this.CurrentProjects.Add(CurrentProject); } } }
Then this fires, AFTER the Manager has fetched the data:
private void _cbAvailableProjects_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_projectManager.CurrentProject != null) { //This will trigger the save of a previously unsaved data: if (_projectManager.NeedToPromptForLastSelectedProject == true) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Please note that you have not saved your previous Project" + Environment.NewLine + "do you want to save?", "Previous Project not saved", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { if (_projectManager.PreviouslyUnsavedProject.IsSavable) { _projectManager.PreviouslyUnsavedProject.Save(); } else { MessageBox.Show("The Project is not valid" + Environment.NewLine + "Please fix the Project before saving", "Project is not savable", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } //Reset the flag, which was set as true in the Manager: _projectManager.NeedToPromptForLastSelectedProject = false; _cbAvailableProjects.SelectedValue = _projectManager.SelectedProjectID; //to trigger the change if previous selected project was changed. //Then the other binding lists... needed ... to update the binding source controls with latest status of entities ( e.g. "IsDirty" etc ): _currentProjectbindingSource.DataSource = _projectManager.CurrentProject; //this one binds to all the properties for the current project _projectMembersBindingSource.DataSource = _projectManager.CurrentProject.Members; _projectSteeringCommitteebindingSource.DataSource = _projectManager.CurrentProject.SteeringCommittees; _cbAvailableProjects.SelectedValue = _projectManager.CurrentProject.ProjectID; //now we might have something to save, only needed if the user can edit the project if (Managers.ProjectManager.CanEditObject()) _btnSaveProject.Visible = true; } _branchesBindingSource.DataSource = _projectManager.AvailableBranches; }
How would you load the progressbar in my scenario ?
Kind regards,EE