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Can I use one FormManager for all my modal dialogs?

I have about 20 modal dialogs and no dialog displays another dialog so there is never more than one displayed at a time.

I would like to create a single UltraFormManager to handle all these dialogs (only 1 at a time) by assigning the current dialog to the FormMgr.Form property.

eg. Create the dialog
      assign it to the Form property
      Display the dialog using ShowModal()

I tried this by defining an UltraFormManager on my MDI form - but NOT assigning its Form property to the current form. (I can not use it with the MDI form because that already has a DockManager which I read would be a conflict.)

I then use the code indicated above and it 'almost' did what I wanted.
It displayed the new caption and border - but within the dialog's client area instead of on top of the Caption/frame.

Every dialog already has a panel that uses Dock Fill (as required by the FormMgr) so I thought it would be able to figure out the increased size and position changes.

Did I miss a step, or is this simply not possible? 


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