Despite controlling when a FillScenegraph occur - by enabling and disabling the event, the chart gets re-drawn whenever I move the mouse across the window. I can see that the FillScenegraph event control works as expected and the breakpoints inside my event handler does not get hitexcept when the fillscenegraph event is enabled.
What other events can cause re-drawing of the window? Is there a property that I forgot to set. How can I make sure that the window is re-drawn only when required.
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Did you solve your issue accordingly to the information that Teodor provided you?
Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
This will disable tooltip dislay when you click on the chart or move around on the chart.
Without this change, I dont see scene graph refresh happening when I am inside the window/chart area. Refresh happens when I move outside the window - or when the control loose focus Only.
I have sort of overcome the issue partially by disabling the user control which host the chart and enabling only when I am required to pick something from the window or adding to it..