If I set the ultra datetime editor culture via the .FormatProvider property, the text displayed in the control is shown correctly. However, when you click on the drop down button, the control uses the current Windows culture.
Is there a way to set the datetime editor so the drop down calendar uses the same culture as the .FormatProvider property?
No, I don't think this is possible. The dropdown of the UltraDateTimeEditor is a Microsoft MonthPicker control and it doesn't have any support for changing it's culture - it always uses the current culture.
I recommend that you use the UltraCalendarCombo, instead. This control does not rely on any inbox controls, so it's more flexible.
Okay. So could you please tell me how to set the drop down calendar culture using the UltraCalendarCombo? Can't figure that out either.
Let us know if you have further questions.
Michael S.
Sorry, I think I misunderstood your original question. As far as I know, it's not possible to set a culture on any individual control. All controls use the current culture of the application.
But... you can localize any of the text in the CalendarCombo to anything you want. So you could pull the day and month names from any given culture and then set the CalendarCombo to use the same text.
Here are a couple of links that explain how.
Customizing Assembly Resource Strings
Assembly Resource Strings