I'm having issues on how the header text in the datagrid is being rendered. It looks like the characters in the text are not getting enough space between each other (see attached)
I'm using netAdvange 2010.2 for winforms. Visual studio 2008 and the target framework is .net 2.0
When i had this problem before with labels i just used:
label1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;
label1.UseCompatibleTextRendering = true;
And then the label text would render fine. I just don't know how to set that property for the WinGrid header text.
All of our Windows Forms controls expose a TextRenderingMode property, which provides a way to select between GDI and GDI+. Note that this setting will affect all text rendering in the grid, not just column headers.
Changing the text rendering mode to GDI solved it!
Thanks a lot!