I'm using infragistic's grid for add-in app in AutoCAD. Usually the amount of data is very large (20.000-100.000 or even more). By default I use load on demand technique, which is very fast and works just great, but ... I had to disable almoust all the features of grid (group by, filter sort ...), so I made the other option, whitch preloads all data in datatable. With code above I add image columns for zoom, edit, attach ... and found out that this is the problem. Even if I load all records (in advanced mode), when user uses filter or group by or and other functionallity that needs all rows, grid becomes very slow and imposible to use. If I comment all the code in InitializeRow event, that doesn't happen. Should I draw images in cell on any other event, or could I get any property of e.Row object which would tell me if row is actually visible? I tried with property e.Row.VisibleIndex (in InitializeRow event), but I allways get value -1.
On web I am using ExtJs's Grid, which has great feature called ActionRow. That enables me to add some actions (string - action key, image - action image, string - function name), and grid automaticly adds column with images. If user clicks the image, function fires.
If Infragistics Grid would have feature like that, that would be amazing.
I would like to thank for any answer in advance!
//I call this void on InitializeLayout event of grid.
public static void AddImgColumn(ColumnsCollection columns, string colKey, bool addToEnd)
if (!columns.Exists(colKey))
UltraGridColumn col;
if (addToEnd)
col = columns.Add(colKey);
col = columns.Insert(0, colKey);
col.Width = 20;
col.AllowRowFiltering = DefaultableBoolean.False;
col.AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.False;
col.AllowGroupBy = DefaultableBoolean.False;
col.ExcludeFromColumnChooser = ExcludeFromColumnChooser.True;
col.CellActivation = Activation.NoEdit;
col.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.CellSelect;
col.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Image;
col.Header.Caption = "";
col.Header.Fixed = true;
//This void I call on InitializeRow event of grid
if (row.Cells.Exists(columnKey))
row.Cells[columnKey].Appearance.ImageBackground = bmp;
row.Cells[columnKey].Appearance.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand;
if (tooltip != null)
row.Cells[columnKey].ToolTipText = tooltip;
private void ugMain_InitializeRow(object sender, InitializeRowEventArgs e)
UltraGridUtils.SetCellImage(e.Row, Globals.ZoomColumnKey, Kaliopa.AutoCAD.FDO.DataGrid.Properties.Resources.zoomfeature, "Prikaži v risbi");
UltraGridUtils.SetCellImage(e.Row, Globals.EditRowColumnKey, Kaliopa.AutoCAD.FDO.DataGrid.Properties.Resources.ROW_EDIT, "Uredi podatke");
UltraGridUtils.SetCellImage(e.Row, Globals.RelationsColumnKey, Properties.Resources.table_relationship, "Prikaži podatke povezanih tabel");
if (e.Row.Cells.Exists(Globals.AttachmentsColumnKey))
if (e.Row.GetCellValue(Globals.colPriponke) != DBNull.Value)
e.Row.Cells[Globals.AttachmentsColumnKey].Appearance.ImageBackground = Kaliopa.AutoCAD.FDO.DataGrid.Properties.Resources.attachments_ADDED;
e.Row.Cells[Globals.AttachmentsColumnKey].Appearance.ImageBackground = Kaliopa.AutoCAD.FDO.DataGrid.Properties.Resources.attachments;
e.Row.Cells[Globals.AttachmentsColumnKey].Appearance.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
// I call this void in InitializeLayout event, based on the type of grid user selects
#region DisplaySettings
public static void SetLoadOnDemandSettings(UltraGrid grid)
grid.DisplayLayout.LoadStyle = LoadStyle.LoadOnDemand;
grid.DisplayLayout.ScrollStyle = ScrollStyle.Immediate;
grid.DisplayLayout.ScrollBounds = ScrollBounds.ScrollToFill;
grid.DisplayLayout.ViewStyleBand = ViewStyleBand.Vertical;
grid.DisplayLayout.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.SingleBand;
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowGroupBy = DefaultableBoolean.False;
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowRowFiltering = DefaultableBoolean.False;
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.Select;
public static void SetAdvancedSettings(UltraGrid grid)
grid.DisplayLayout.ViewStyleBand = ViewStyleBand.OutlookGroupBy;
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowGroupBy = DefaultableBoolean.True;
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowRowFiltering = DefaultableBoolean.True;
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.SortMulti;
I'm afraid you lost me. Which part of this is causing a performance problem?
Are you saying that simply having an image on the cell is causing a problem? If so, when does this problem occur. You mentioned sorting and filtering, but that has nothing to do with images in a cell.
Have you read the WinGrid Performance Guide? The guide has a section dedicated to how to use appearances most efficiently.
Problem is in code, that is in InitializeRow event. When I check if column exists and set the cell image, as I posted before. If I comment this lines out, everything works just fine.
This happens when I click sort, group by, filter ... when all rows in grid are initialized.
If somehow I could find out if row is in grid's visible rectangle, maybe that would solve my problem.