I have a ultragrid, and in one of its cells i've set up a mask, like this :
UltraGridColumn column = ulgPricesBudget.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["FY"]; column.MaskInput = "20##"; column.MaskDataMode = MaskMode.IncludeBoth; column.MaskDisplayMode = MaskMode.IncludeBoth;
column.MaskInput = "20##";
column.MaskDataMode = MaskMode.IncludeBoth;
column.MaskDisplayMode = MaskMode.IncludeBoth;
In the BeforeExitEditMode I do a check :
if (ulgPricesBudget.ActiveCell.Column.Key == "FY" && ulgPricesBudget.ActiveCell.EditorResolved.Value.ToString() != "") { ..... }
So the mask is like this "20__" - it's an year.
This is the code line that throws an exception if i insert in the masked cell a value like "20_1" (i insert just the last character the "1"). The exception is :
Internal error: can't get masked editor value. Inner exception is: Input does not match the mask.
What am i doing wrong ?
Could you help me in this issue ?
you can handle it in the celldataerror event by forcing the user to stay in edit mode until he puts the first number
private void ultraGrid1_CellDataError(object sender, CellDataErrorEventArgs e)
e.StayInEditMode = true;
e.RaiseErrorEvent = false;
Thanks, but i tried it and nothing changed...