There are several articles describing how to get the underlying datarow but they use a for loop to compare the name/value pairs (which maybe misleading). Is there a solid way to get the columnname of the data clicked?
You might be able to get the column and row labels like the following:
private void ultraChart1_ChartDataClicked(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.ChartDataEventArgs e) { string colLabel = e.ColumnLabel; string rowLabel = e.RowLabel; }
Please let me know if this is not what you are looking for.
Hi Danko
Unfortunately, no, that's not what I want. Consider the following select statement:
select MachineName, UserName, Count(0) as Total from Events group by MachineName,UserName
I bind the result of above statement to Ultrachart1. When I click, I want to know whether it was a "machinename" or "username". What I get with e.RowLabel and e.ColumnLabel is the "value" of that cell (e.g. "XP01" or "domain\username")