There are several articles describing how to get the underlying datarow but they use a for loop to compare the name/value pairs (which maybe misleading). Is there a solid way to get the columnname of the data clicked?
Could you please let me know what kind of data source you are using and what is the structure of it? If you could provide me more information regarding your scenario or even a small sample, I will be able to research this further and verify is there a way to achieve what you are looking for.
Hi Danko
Unfortunately, no, that's not what I want. Consider the following select statement:
select MachineName, UserName, Count(0) as Total from Events group by MachineName,UserName
I bind the result of above statement to Ultrachart1. When I click, I want to know whether it was a "machinename" or "username". What I get with e.RowLabel and e.ColumnLabel is the "value" of that cell (e.g. "XP01" or "domain\username")
You might be able to get the column and row labels like the following:
private void ultraChart1_ChartDataClicked(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.ChartDataEventArgs e) { string colLabel = e.ColumnLabel; string rowLabel = e.RowLabel; }
Please let me know if this is not what you are looking for.