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Ultragrid with checkbox in header


I'm using 2006 vol 3. In online help center I found an article about how to add checkbox to a header

In my particular case I deal with days of week. Each day has activites. So I have 7 root rows (days) with some child rows (activities). User needs to be able to select activities individualy. I used technic from that article to add checkbox to a header of activites. My improvement was done for keeping checkstate of header checkbox synchonized with child row chechbox states. Obviously header checkbox is tri-state checkbox.

The problem folowing. I can't set state of header checkbox from one day without touching other ones. In example: if I set CHECKED state for checkbox of Monday's activities it affects all other day (Tu-Su).

Could you advise, please.

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I'm having a hard time following what you are trying to do or what the problem is. Can you post some screen shots and explain the issue in more detail?

    It sounds like you are modifying the sample, but something you are doing in your code is incorrect and you are not accounting for child rows correctly. But it's impossible to help you with that without seeing what your code is doing.

    By the way... are you aware that the latest version of the grid has built-in support for checkboxes in column headers so you no longer need to use a CreationFilter for this?

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