Simple as it is, I can't find how to hide the header in this UltraListView, which is the right box in this work-in-progress screenshot:
I have suppressed all header properties I can find as well as made the header 0,0 but I still have the grey header container at the top.
Any comments much appreciated. Thank you!
I was able to hide the header, but it's taking a white space. Is it possible to resize headerColumn Height? Thanks.
I ran into same problem and hopefully it will be a new feature in one of the next releases.
In the meantime i followed this workaround to hide the header with this code:
lstInfo.View = UltraWinListView.UltraListViewStyle.Details
With lstInfo.ViewSettingsDetails
.ColumnHeaderStyle = HeaderStyle.Standard .ColumnHeaderBorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.None .ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.Transparent .AllowColumnSizing = False .AllowColumnSorting = False
End With
Assuming you are using the 'Details' setting of the View property, you cannot hide the header. Going by the screenshot it would appear that you only have one column, so you should use set the View property to 'List', and if you want only one column of items, set the UltraListView.ViewSettingsList.MultiColumn property to false.