Simple as it is, I can't find how to hide the header in this UltraListView, which is the right box in this work-in-progress screenshot:
I have suppressed all header properties I can find as well as made the header 0,0 but I still have the grey header container at the top.
Any comments much appreciated. Thank you!
I ran into same problem and hopefully it will be a new feature in one of the next releases.
In the meantime i followed this workaround to hide the header with this code:
lstInfo.View = UltraWinListView.UltraListViewStyle.Details
With lstInfo.ViewSettingsDetails
.ColumnHeaderStyle = HeaderStyle.Standard .ColumnHeaderBorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.None .ColumnHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.Transparent .AllowColumnSizing = False .AllowColumnSorting = False
End With
I was able to hide the header, but it's taking a white space. Is it possible to resize headerColumn Height? Thanks.