I have a ultrawingrid with two bands (0,1) and i want to sum the "amount" cell from band 1 into the "total" cell in band 0, Its posible to that with UltraCalcManager?
Thanks in advance,
Alejandro Castrejon
Hi Alejandro,
Yes, you just use the name of the child band to reference the child column.
So if I have have a grid with a Root band ("Band 0") and a Child Band ("Band 1") and Band 1 contains an integer column called "Column 1", I would do something like this:
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { UltraGridLayout layout = e.Layout; UltraGridBand band0 = layout.Bands[0]; UltraGridColumn totalColumn; if (band0.Columns.Exists("Total")) totalColumn = band0.Columns["Total"]; else { totalColumn = band0.Columns.Add("Total"); totalColumn.DataType = typeof(int); totalColumn.Formula = "Sum([Band 1/Column 0])"; } }
Is it possible the Sum Cell from 2 diff Grid.
Thanks Mike it's works fine.
Also I use this grid with data-entry behavior preset so when I add a new row in the parent band i wold like to expand the child band and focus the first cell to type new data.
I think i should use the AfterRowUpdate Event, Can you help me?
Thank's in advance