Is it possible to add custom columns?
Did you resolve this?I need custom columns too...Kind regards. Thomas Mathiesen
No, unfortunately this is not possible!
I had to go a different way!
Good question! Let's say if I'm dragging bar for #3 (Store #276) and I can set the custum property of a custumcolumn like this in TaskELementComplete event:
e.Task.SetCustomProperty("Weight", 8968)
What if I want to change weight for #4 and #2 while I'm dragging #3? How do I set the property of the columns in other rows by rownumber or ID? Thanks.
Hello MN,
To be honest I`m not sure that I understand your scenario
MN said:What if I want to change weight for #4 and #2 while I'm dragging #3?
Could you please tell me how do you intend to achieve this behavior. What is the Idea, what is your final goal ? I suppose that if you change the value while dragging, then you will see the new values in "Wight" column for #4 and #2
MN said:How do I set the property of the columns in other rows by rownumber or ID?
If I understand your question, maybe you could used:
this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Projects[1].Tasks[0].SetCustomProperty("CustomColumn", database1DataSet1.dbTasks[0].CustomColumn);
this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Projects[1].Tasks[1].SetCustomProperty("CustomColumn", database1DataSet1.dbTasks[1].CustomColumn);
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you. That helps. And is possible to make the CustomColumn or any other column uneditable? Seems like I can make only these columns (Deadline,duration, StartDateTime,PercentComplete) uneditable.
One possible approach could be if you are using the property ultraGanttView1.GridSettings.ReadOnly = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True; By this way all columns (default and custom columns) will be not editable.
If you want to set only special columns to be uneditable then you could try:
// For custom columns
ultraGanttView1.GridSettings.ColumnSettings[Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskField.Custom].ReadOnly = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
// for regular columns
ultraGanttView1.GridSettings.ColumnSettings[Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskField.Duration].ReadOnly = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
Is it possible to specify the custom column order to be inserted in between or before the built in columns?
I suppose that this post is duplicate with . Please take a look there for more details.