So just looking at the picture I think I can understand my problem. Using AppStylist UltraButton select by pressing "C"and put the properties UseFlatMode to "True" and UseOSThemes to "False. " Selecting the same UltraButton pressing the "1" I put the UltraButton with the edges of the color I want. THE BIG PROBLEM IS THAT WHEN THE BUTTON BLACK EDGE IS IN FOCUS. ANYONE KNOW WHAT TO DO TO TAKE THIS BLACK EDGE?
Try setting the Alpha on the Border to Transparent.
If I put the Alpha on the Border to Transparent I lose the whole edge, missing the darker blue border. What I could do and that is not ideal is the image below. Putting ShowFocusRect property to false.
I do not know why it happens only with me because I've seen buttons on other issues without this black border.