I have a wingrid that allows users to copy from excel and paste it. I have a template add new row where the user paste (Ctrl+V) the data from excel. The problem is that after pasting the values (This happens without any problem) there are some additional rows that are getting added. Is there a way to avoid this unwanted rows to be added. It happens randomly., sometimes empty rows with default values gets added at row index 3 and sometimes at 2 and so on.
Any help is appreciated.
I've never heard of extra rows being added to the grid randomly while pasting. If that's happening, then it's either something in your code causing it or it's a pretty serious bug in the grid.
Can you duplicate this in a small sample project and post it here so we can check it out?
Here is the sample project. Use an excel to copy paste into the grid. I have template add row which is getting added. Is there a way to negate ?
Also, enclosing the source code.
.exe -
Source Code -