I am retrieving data in the following format
Column1 Column2
0.1 0.2
0.3 0.2
ultraChart1.DataSource = dataSet;
I get the error: You must include at least one row and two numeric columns in Scatter Chart Appearance - ColumnX and ColumnY
Any suggestions?
You need to add and one text column. You can try something like:
this.ultraChart1.ChartType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartType.ScatterChart;
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Label", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Column1", typeof(double));
table.Columns.Add("Column2", typeof(double));
table.Rows.Add(new object[ { "a", 0.1, 0.2 });
table.Rows.Add(new object[ { "b", 0.3, 0.2 });
this.ultraChart1.DataSource = table;
Try using XYZDataPoint instead of XYDataPoint.
Thanks. That worked. However the points are round and hollow, and not bubble with colors. I have specified the ChartType for UltraChart as BubbleChart. How can I place a label inside of the bubble? I want to provide a string value. You have been great!
You can put labels inside of the bubble with the help of the Chart Wizard. Go to Chart Wizard - Data Labels - and check "Show data values on chart".
I have that set but it shows the value I assign to ValueZ of the XYZDataPoint. This is taking the integer value, whereas I want to be able to display string inside these points at runtime.
void Paint() { DataTable dtTemp; Int16 hValue = 0;
dtTemp = _dtIncurred;
System.Collections.IEnumerator cJobs = uceJobCards.Items.GetEnumerator(); while (cJobs.MoveNext()) { String dRow = (cJobs.Current as Infragistics.Win.ValueListItem).DataValue.ToString(); DataRow [dPoints = dtTemp.Select("JobCardNo = '" + dRow.ToString() + "'"); hValue++;
for (int i = 0; i < dPoints.Length; i++) { _dClass.SetJobCardID(dPoints["JobCardNo"].ToString());
iChart.Appearance.XYZSeries dSeries = new iChart.Appearance.XYZSeries(); dSeries.Label = dPoints["Status"].ToString();
iChart.Appearance.XYZDataPoint dPoint = new iChart.Appearance.XYZDataPoint();
dPoint.Label = dPoints["ActivityDateTime"].ToString(); //this doesn't do anything
dPoint.ValueY = hValue; dPoint.ValueX = _ArrayStatuses.IndexOf(dPoints["Status"].ToString()) + 1;
dPoint.ValueZ = 0.2; //this values is placed inside the bubble
dSeries.Points.Add(dPoint); ultraJSM.Series.Add(dSeries); } } }
And I cannot get my labels on the X or the Y axis. I need serious help. I have been reading the Infra Help, but I guess I am missing something. Would you be kind enough to explain. What I want to achieve is:
- The database has values that I want to paint on the X Axis, so instead of 1 to 10, I want to show my labels "Invoice", "Billing", etc
- The Y Axis values should be passed from the datatable, such as 'Invoice No. INV/08/012'
- For each 'Invoice No' on Y Axis, we track if a certain process (on X Axis) has been completed.
Please advice if the approach used above is correct for my scenario. Thank you.
Try unchecking "Show data values on chart" and put the following code:
chartTextAppearance.ItemFormatString = "<MY_VALUE>";
chartTextAppearance.Row = -2;
chartTextAppearance.Column = -2;
Hashtable labelHashTable = new Hashtable();
this.ultraChart1.LabelHash = labelHashTable;
public class MyLabelRenderer : IRenderLabel
public string ToString(Hashtable context) { double x = (double)context["DATA_VALUE_X"]; double y = (double)context["DATA_VALUE_Y"];double z = (double)context["DATA_VALUE"]; // put the code for getting the custom labels that you want to show herereturn x.ToString() + ", " + y.ToString() + ", " + z.ToString(); }
double x = (double)context["DATA_VALUE_X"]; double y = (double)context["DATA_VALUE_Y"];double z = (double)context["DATA_VALUE"]; // put the code for getting the custom labels that you want to show herereturn x.ToString() + ", " + y.ToString() + ", " + z.ToString();
double y = (double)context["DATA_VALUE_Y"];
// put the code for getting the custom labels that you want to show here
For more info about IRenderLabel Interface - http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2008.1/CLR2.0/html/Chart_Customize_Labels_Using_the_IRenderLabel_Interface.html
I have read this code over and over. I am not following something. I am guessing that this would be inside the loop, so after adding points to my series I should set my labels?
Almost there:
ultraJSM.ChartType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartType.BubbleChart;ultraJSM.Axis.X.RangeMax = 13;
ultraJSM.Axis.Y.ScrollScale.Visible = true;ultraJSM.Axis.Y.ScrollScale.Scale = 1;ultraJSM.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Visible = true;ultraJSM.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Scale = 1;
ultraJSM.Axis.X.RangeType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisRangeType.Custom;
ultraJSM.Axis.X.Labels.Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.Horizontal; ultraJSM.Axis.X.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<MY_VALUE>";ultraJSM.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<MY_VALUE>"; Hashtable labelHashTable = new Hashtable();
if (!labelHashTable.ContainsKey("MY_VALUE")){ labelHashTable.Add("MY_VALUE", new MyLabelRenderer(_ArrayStatuses, _ArrayJobs));}else{ labelHashTable.Remove("MY_VALUE"); labelHashTable.Add("MY_VALUE", new MyLabelRenderer(_ArrayStatuses, _ArrayJobs));}
if (ultraJSM.LabelHash != null) { ultraJSM.LabelHash = null; }ultraJSM.LabelHash = labelHashTable;
//I set my points PaintYAxis........
public class MyLabelRenderer : iChart.IRenderLabel{ArrayList _Statuses; //always would be 13 elements for the X-AxisArrayList _Jobs; //many elements for the Y-Axis
public MyLabelRenderer(ArrayList pArray, ArrayList pJobs){ _Statuses = pArray; _Jobs = pJobs;}
public string ToString(Hashtable context){ double z = (double)context["DATA_VALUE"]; string xLabel;
if (z == 0.0 ) { xLabel = ""; } else { if ((Convert.ToInt32(z)) <= _Statuses.Count) { xLabel = _Statuses[(Convert.ToInt32(z) - 1)].ToString(); } else { xLabel = _Jobs[(Convert.ToInt32(z) - (_Statuses.Count)].ToString(); } }
return xLabel;}}
What I do is check if the DATA_VALUE is less than the size of my arraylist, _Statuses, then I know this label is for the X-Axis, elseit would be for the Y-Axis. I would expect DATA_VALUE to be in increments of 1, but for the X-Axis it is in multiple of two such as 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, etc.The Y-Axis is in multiple of five such as 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, etc. How can change this setting for X-Axis to start from 0.0 to 13.0, and Y-Axis from 20to 100 in the increment of 1? Oh yeah, the values inside of the bubble? You have been great. Thanks,