I am trying to set the active row of my grid to be nothing.
I have tried:
this.myGrid.ActiveRow == null;
but it is not working. What am i missing?
Jason McIntosh said:this.myGrid.ActiveRow == null;
Well, you should be using a single equals sign, not a double, for one thing.
But assuming this is a typo, the grid may be synchronizing with the CurrencyManager which always has a current row. So you might need to set SynchWithCurrencyManager on the grid to false.
This was just what I was looking for, too. The documentation says nothing about this when it tells you about setting ActiveRow to Nothing. I was pulling my hair out...
well well well...would you look at that.
Yes, I did have a typo in there, AND SynchWithCurrencyManager was set to True, so I have fixed one and changed the other. Magic...now it works the way it should.
Thanks for your help Mike.