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Grid and combo with datatable

Hi guys.
I wanted to have a winGrid with only two columns. The first of these columns would be normal and then the second would be a combo.
I fill my WinGrid with a data table as follows:

        DtUnits Dim As New DataTable ("dtUnits")
        dtUnits. Columns.Add ("Data")
        dtUnits. Columns.Add ("Unit")
             While dateB <dateF
                 Dim row As DataRow = dtUnits.NewRow ()
                 row (0) = dateB 'Date mm / dd / yyyy
                 row (1) = "I want COMBO HERE BASED ON another DataTable"
                 dtUnits.Rows.Add (row)
                 dateB = DateAdd (DateInterval.Day, 1, CDate (dateB))
             end While
Me.GRID.DataSource = dtUnits

The combo would serve to enter the unit available on that date, then the combos would be different. I would have units available at a date and unavailable elsewhere.

I inserted the code "e.Layout.Bands (0). Columns (" Unit "). ColumnStyle.DropDownList = Style" at the event InitializeLayout

Parents Reply
  • 1180
    posted in reply to Mike Saltzman

    I really need help. I can not solve my problem.
    The screen that you see below. I put the date of checkin and checkout date and type of unit that I seek.
    By clicking the button I need to show in grid units available for the selected type the date in question.

    So what i am doing in the button click event:
    I create a DataTable with the columns Date and Unit, then in a while with the check-in and check-out date I added the rows.

    what better way to do that this way of working ?

    This is the code I use to fill the grid

    Dim dt As New DataTable("dt")
    While CDate(DCheckin) < (DCheckout)
            Dim row As DataRow = dtUnidadesReserva.NewRow()
            row(0) =
            row(1) = HERE NEED A COMBO
    dt .Rows.Add(row)
    DCheckin= DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, CDate(DCheckin))
    End While
    Me.appGridUnidadesReserva.DataSource =

    This is the code I use to check the units of a certain kind available at a certain date.

    Dim dt As New DataTable("dt ")
    sub to open the connection to the database
    sql = "SQL instruction"
    RS.Open(sql, BDMain, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly)
    While Not RS.EOF
            Dim row As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
            row(0) = RS("
            row(1) = RS("

    End While
    sub to close connection to the database
