I'm setting TextHAlign to Right, and it doesn't seem to have any effect.
IG Version: 9.2
Hello jquerijero,
I have tried the following line of code and it works as expected for me:
ultraTextEditor1.Appearance.TextHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Right;
What you could try is to download the latest service release available for NetAdvantage 2009 vol2 from our web site, and verify the behavior of your application against it.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
The setting worked as expected. The only thing is that the text needs to be moved a little bit to the left. It is too close to the right edge. It is spaced differently compare to a right-aligned UltraMaskedEdit.
Basically there is a .Padding property of the UltraMaskedEdit control set to 1, which means that the text inside the MaskedEditor will honor this setting and if you set it to 0, than probably you would get the same behavior as your UltraTextEditor control.
If you would like to keep the settings of the UltraMaskedEditor control than what you could is setting the TextRenderingMode of the UltraTextEditor to GDI explicitly.
Please let me know if there is anything else that I could provide you in this case.
Setting the TextRenderingMode of the UltraTextEditor to GDI did not help. Also the caret (input cursor) is covering the right most character by one pixel.
Are you using the latest service release of your NetAdvantage 2009 vol2 version?If not could you please download the latest service release available for your version from our web site.
If you are still experiencing such issue, could you please download the latest available product version which currently is NetAdvantage 2011 vol1 and verify the behavior of your application against it.
If you still experiencing any issues plase feel free to let me know.