I am pretty new with UltraTree. Do you by any chance have a sample code that shows to how to create one?
I want to create a tree similar to the below example:
Name age height
+Joe 25 5'11
+John 21 6'5
name drilldown/expansion when user clicks to plus sign button.
Name Age Height
+ Joe Lee 21 5'7
+ Joe Tow 22 6'2
if user now clicks on Joe Lee, they can expand further.
Hi Joe,
The easiest way to do this is to bind the tree to a DataSource, like a DataSet or an UltraDataSource. Is that what you want to do?
Or are you trying to populate the tree in code without a DataSource?
Either way, there are samples installed with NetAdvantage that do this, as well as step-by-step instructions in the documentation.
Yes, I am trying to populate the tree in code. Do you have the link to this documentation?
Thanks =).
How do i manually change the Ultratree column width?
lastNameColumn.LayoutInfo.PreferredLabelSize = new Size (300, 0);
Would you be able to provide a sample on how to create a tree view similar to the attached image?
It looks like this is a screen shot of our existing sample. So what is it you want to do that the sample is not already doing?
To achieve something like this without data binding, you just have to create one ColumnSet (since the columns are the same on every level) and assign it to the tree.ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet.Then set the ViewStyle to OutlookExpress and add the nodes the same way I did in my sample code above.
I wanna build something similar to the below example:
Name age height date of birthday
+Joe Lee 70 5'11 Jan 1 1941
+ Justin Lee 40 5'9 Feb 15 1981
+ Joshua Lee 20 6'1 Sept 21 1991
Jenny Tao 18 5'4 Dec 19 1993
The sample code you provided shifts the column headers rightward when user expands the child nodes. I would like the columns to be static(i.e every nodes have the same column headers and it doesnt shift rightward when user expands the nodes).
I beleive I answered your question above. You might not have seen it, since I edited my post after my initial reply.