Is it possible with creation filter to dynamically megre cells based on its content ( if it is same ) in one cell
but not in specific columns in a row like the example in the knowlenge base that merges only first and second cell in a row
Aris Katsifos
Hi Aris,
I'm not really sure what you are asking.
If you want to merge cells, the easiest way to do it is to turn on CellMerging. A CreationFilter can also be done, but it's much more complicated.
i think ( correct me if i am wrong ) that cellmerging property in ultragrid is for merging same cell value in the same colunm
and can nto be merged if the cells have the same value and there are in the same row.
regards aris
Yes, that's correct, there's no built-in functionality in the grid to merge cells in the same row.
So can you provide me with an example
how can i loop in all cells in a row with Creation Filter and manual change cells with same value rectangle to desired format ?
and not in particular cell as the knowlenge base tutorial ?
No, there are no samples of this that I know of. This could be very simple of it could be very complex, it depends on the functionality you need. If you want the cells to be editable, then I would advise against attempting this, as it would be extremely difficult. If the user can't edit the cells, then this should be pretty straightfoward. You would use the CreationFilter to trap for AfterCreateChildElements of the RowUIElement. You would use GetContext on the element to get the row. Then you could get the cells collection and loop though them and determine which ones to merge. Merging the cell in this case would be a matter of finding any one of the CellUIElements and resize it so that it covers the other cells. And then remove the CellUIElements for the covered cells.
thanks i ll try to accomplish that. I dont need editable cells .only for display the values of them.
thanks in advanced .
i ll post again if i need further help.
I have done this by using MergedCellStyle and MergedCellEvaluationType of columns. But there is an issue that if value for Row5-Col3 and Row4-Col3 are same then it also merged. We also have to cell editable.
Okay, it looks like you are asking the same question that is asked in this post:
PivotTable like Cell Merging Behaviour - Infragistics Community
I don't understand what you are asking.
The image you have here displays merging cell in the same column. That's not what you asked originally. Your question was about merging cells in the same row.
If Row5, Col3 and Row4, Col3 have the same value, then why would they not be merged?
And why is having the cells editable a problem?