Hi there
We are using v10. of the UltraWinGrid.
I have a column in the grid that obtains data from a ValueList, a list of currencies.
The column's style is DropDownList because I only want the user to be able to select from currencies in the list.
Currently if user enters say 'U' in an attempt to find 'USD' then nothing happens.
Is it possible to get AutoComplete to work for this column when used like this?
Am I missing something basic?
Hi geoffhop,
Typing the letter "U" should select the first item on the list that starts with the letter "U" by default - even with DropDownList style. Assuming the cell has focus and is editable, anyway.
If that's not working, then I can only think of two reasons why:
1) You have set the AutoCompleteMode on the column to None.
2) This is a bug in the version you are using.
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Hi Mike
Thats odd because using the Value List sample for both 2010.3 and 2011.1 as provided by Infragistics if in the private void chkUseValueLists_CheckedChanged(object , System.EventArgs) event handler I set the SpaceLineID column to the following I get no AutoComplete
this.gridValueLists.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["SpacelineID"].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownList; this.gridValueLists.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["SpacelineID"].AutoCompleteMode = Infragistics.Win.AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
Thank you for your feedback. Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Thanks again
Yeah it seems to be related to the call to EnterEditModeAndDropdown which your explanation covers as I was putting the 2 lines after the PerformAction call.
In my own code, not in the Infragistics sample, I must be doing something to the edit mode or activation of the cell to be causing the AutoCompleteMode to be ignored, which I will now investigate.
At least I can now look at a working sample to help with my investigation.
Maybe I am not understanding the problem. I tried this out and it works fine for me.
Where exactly in the chkUseValueLists_CheckedChanged did you put this code? The code in this event activates a cell in the grid and drops down the list when you check the CheckBox. If you put this code in after that code has fired, then it won't work, because the cell has already dropped down and it was not in the correct style before it was dropped down.
Even so, it works once you move to some other cell in the column.
If you put these two lines of code at the very top of the CheckedChanged event, before the cell is dropped down, it works just fine for me.