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Binding UltraListView to IList

Can anyone point me to an example of how to bind an UltraListView object to an IList object?

I am replacing a ListBox object with an UltraListView.

The original code was just assigning the IList to the property ListBox.DataSource:

availableListBox.DataSource = availableIList;

UltraListView does not have a DataSource property, so I tried:

availableUltraList.DataBindings.Add("Items", availableIList, "Text");

I am new to data binding and my attempt above is failing at runtime with an ArgumentExcpetion because "Items" is read only.

Part of the problem is that I do not understand what I should put for the 1st or 3rd parameter. I have not found any clear documentation.

Thanks in advance,


  • 235

    I also found that trying to add a binding on the ListBox as shown below also throws the same exception.

    availableListBox.DataBindings.Add("Items", availableIList, "Text");

    I guess that makes sense since for both classes the DataBindings property is only a getter. But that does not get me any closer to solving the problem.

    Why doesn't UltraListView have a DataSource property?



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