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RowEditTemplate Binding erratically

We have a Ultra grid on our form (only 1 band on the grid).  The Grid has a rowEditTemplate on it.  We assign the RowEditTemplate to the band in the grid's InitializeLayout event.

We Clear bindings and Bind the RowEditTemplate in the Grid's RowEditTemplateDisplayed event.

Now on the first time the form loads, everything works beautifully... as the grid is bound and the edit action is take, we open the RowEditTemplate without issue.

If we close the form and re-open it, when we try to edit a row, the RowEditTemplate does not bind with the data from the row.  Our RowEditTemplate contains three drop-down lists and a pair of CheckBoxes.  The Binding to the Checkboxes causes a FormatException... If we comment out the checkboxes, we find that the RowEditTemplate displays, only now the values for the three drop-down-lists are not selected... looks like the data didn't bind.

If I inspect the RowEditTemplate's ListObject at the time the controls on RowEditTemplate is being bound (in the BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayed event) the ListObject does contain the data in it.. it just seems that it's lost at the time the binding happens..?

We've been banging our heads against a wall here for some time now, without any success. I am hoping the somebody can point us in a direction to look.


At this point we've - made sure to dispose and null objects and controls when the form closes

- we've made sure that the previous bindings on the RowEditTemplate controls are cleared, and re-bound properly


It just appears that something is lost between our BeforeRowEditTEmplateDisplayed event and the actual display/binding of the template itself..





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  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello jeff,

    Could you please create a sample reproducing the issue you are experiencing as I am not able to do so. You could attach your sample when you are writing your post through the 'Options' tab above -> 'Add/Update'. I will be happy to assist you on that matter.
