Hi there,
I'd like to have spellchecking in a selected gridcell, where, when right-clicking a ContextMenu should appear with suggestions. In the code below I attach an UltraSpellChecker to an ActiveCell:
private void UltraGrid_AfterCellActivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
customEditor.SpellChecker = ultraSpellChecker;
customEditor.ContextMenuStrip = spellingMenuStrip;
ultraGridActiviteitenEnTaken.ActiveCell.EditorControl = customEditor;
The spellchecking seems to work, but the MouseDown event does not fire when I (right)click the ActiveCell. Does someone have a solution to this problem?
What is happening is that the cell is not in edit mode yet, so the TextBox will not be positioned yet and therefore will not receive the MouseDown message. With this being said, your approach seems to be pretty inefficient; every time that a cell is activated, you are creating a completely new control and assigning it to that editor. Why not create a single instance of the control and then assign it to the column in the InitializeLayout event? Alternatively, you could assign it to individual cells in the InitializeRow event.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your quick reaction! Indeed, my method is somewhat inefficient, but it was only for testing... I did already suspect that the ActiveCell was not in Edit mode, but I don't know how to get it into Edit mode. I tried
but this doesn't work (at least the MouseDown event doesn't fire). Is there a way to put the UltraTextEditor within the ActiveCell into Edit mode so that the event does fire?
No, the MouseDown won't fire when calling PerformAction since you're not using the mouse . Why not take the approach I suggested of setting the relevant EditorControl property on the column instead, so that you can do all your initialization logic there instead of trying to work out these odd timing issues with your current approach?
The PerformAction was not ment to invoke a MouseDown event, but only to put the ActiveCell into Edit mode (whereafter I did some mouse clicking myself )
I have implemented the UltraTextEditor in the way you suggested, but still the MouseDown doesn't fire when I click within the ActiveCell [:'(] Within a plain UltraTextEditor it works fine, but not when this TextEditor is coupled to the UltraGrid. I guess this has to do with fact that EditorControl is of type Control whereas UltraTextEditor is more specific... Hence, my problem seems to be more general:
How to couple my MouseDown handler to the ActiveCell, such that when I click within the ActiveCell the event is fired and handled by my handler? I tried to couple my handler to the MouseDown event of the EditorControl but this doesn't work... Important to note: it doesn't have to be an UltraTextEditor; if I can use the default editor I'd be more than glad!
I hope this this 'story' clarifies the problem...
That closes the circle
Thanks again!
The EditorControl specified a control that implements IProvidesEmbeddableEditor, which will provide a clone of the editor. You are assigning this on a column, so each individual cell does not have an editor; it is the EditorResolved property that does the work of checking to see if the cell has an editor, use that if so, and if not return the Column's editor.
Thanks for your suggestion! I have implemented the MouseDown just as you said and it works! I also managed to implement the ContextMenuStrip succesfully, though I don't fully understand why it works. This is how I did it (also for those who want to do the same thing):
ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0].EditorControl = customEditor;
((EditorWithText)ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0].Editor).TextBox.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(CustomEditor_MouseDown);
//A reference to the last clicked error in the rich text box (null if no error was clicked last)
private Error lastClickedError = null;
//Get the error at the point where the user clicked in the rich text box
this.lastClickedError = this.spellChecker.GetErrorAtPoint((object)ultraGrid.ActiveCell.EditorResolved, point);
Define the spellingContexMenu_Popop method:
//Clear the menu items previously added to the context menu
//If the last clicked spot on the rich text box was over an error...
//Add the "Add to Dictionary" menu item
//Add the "Ignore All" menu item
//Add a separator item to the context menu
//If there are no suggestions...
//Add the "no spelling suggestions" menu item and disable it
//Otherwise, if there are suggestions...
//Add suggestion menu items to the context menu
The contextMenuIgnoreAll_Click method only contains this.spellChecker.IgnoreAll(this.lastClickedError.CheckedWord); and contextMenuAddToDictionary_Click contains AddWordToUserDictionary(this.lastClickedError.CheckedWord);
contextMenuSuggestion_Click should be:
//Get the menu item that was clicked
//Select the error in the rich text box
//Replace the selected error with the suggestion that was clicked
customEditor.SelectedText = suggestionItem.Text;
Thats it. The part I don't fully understand is the relation between EditorControl and EditorResolved (at least, there seems to be one otherwise the SpellCheck and ContextMenu wouldn't work...).
Come to think of it, I think that the reason that the MouseDown isn't firing is because you're hooking the MouseDown of the control's editor's TextBox; the problem with this is that once you set the EditorControl on the grid, the grid requests a *clone* of the associated editor, so you're not hooked into the TextBox that the grid is using. Try something like:
((EditorWithText)this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0].Editor).TextBox.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(TextBox_MouseDown);
As an aside, though, the default editor is an EditorWithText, and you can assign the SpellChecker on the column itself, but I don't *think* that you can assign a ContextMenuStrip in the same fashion.