In this test - I am trying to check the items in the ultralistview and no items are being checked. can anyone assist on what is wrong?
Could a property be set on the listview causing the items not to be checked?
For i As Integer = 0 To UltraListView2.Items.Count - 1
UltraListView2.Items(i).CheckState = CheckState.Checked
'CType(IIf(sdays.Chars(i) = "1"c, CheckState.Checked, CheckState.Unchecked), CheckState)
Are the items displaying CheckBoxes that are just unchecked? Or are they displaying no check boxes at all?
I am also having this problem.....
Me.LVLocationsFilter.Items(strItemKey).CheckState = CheckState.Checked
The checkboxes just don't get ticked. they Appear "unchecked"
Any ideas?