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UltraGridColumn Constantly Renamed In Designer

Having used the UltraGrid control for some years now, there is something that is really bothering me. When a form containing an UltraGrid is opened by the Windows Forms Designer, VS will always perform a checkout on the form. I think I have narrowed this down the the UltraGridColumns being constantly renamed ever time the form opened (or if not every time, frequently). It is putting a numeric suffix on the grid column names (ultraGridColumn166 for example). Sometimes, simply opening the form will cause this renumbering, but I don't know why. No changes have been made to the form or the grid.

Any ideas? This is really annoying.

PS. Closing the Windows Forms designer while the UltraGrid designer "magic" is happening behind the scenes will often result in a loss of all column information. I have learned to be very careful with this, but it may be the cause of other reported issues of the type.



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    What version are you using? This sounds like an issue that was fixed a long time ago.
