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Order of nodes after switching nodes (in)visible

Hi together!

I want to make a subset of nodes in an UltraTree visible and invisible via a checkbox in the application. The tree is bound to a DataSet. I switch visibility of the nodes via the UltraTreeNode.Visible property. I DO NOT touch the data source!

After switching the nodes invisible and then back to visible, the position of the node(s) are not correct anymore. Please see the images below to see the problem. Is there any way to fix the nodes position?

1. The Holiday-nodes are in the correct order:

2. Now, we switch the Holiday-nodes to invisible:

3. And switching Holiday-nodes back to visible:

As you can see, the Holiday Taken (nominal)-node is not at the position at it is in the first image.

How can I ensure the nodes position?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Best regards,






  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Robin,

    What version of the tree are you using?

    The Visible property should never affect the position of the nodes. So if this is happening in the latest version of the tree and it's not the results of something in your code that is changing the position of the items in the list, then it's a bug in the tree.

    Can you post a small sample project demonstrating this behavior so we can check it out?

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