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Grid columns can't be resized


we have a strange experience on one particular test system. When the tester tries to resize the columns with the mouse he can only shrink the columns. The columns won't grow. But this behaviour occurs only on this one system and can't be reproduced on other systems.

The WinGanttView is Version 11.1.20111.2061. It's hosted with a WindowsFormsHost inside a WPF UserControl which is inside a XamDockManager. The test system is running Win7.

On other test systems (XP, Vista and Win7) everything works fine, but how can we ensure that it won't occure at a customer's system?



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  • 53790

    Hello Bastian,

    It is very hard for me to say what could cause  this behavior. This is the first time when somebody report such kind of issue. I try to reproduce your issue in a small sample, but without success. If you are able to reproduce this issue in a small sample, I`ll be glad to research it.  I see that you are using the latest available version of WinGanttView control, but could you please provide us more details about your WPF controls and your Test system.

