I've added a summary row to my grid and chosen the following SummaryDisplayArea options: BottomFixed, RootRowsFootersOnly, and InGroupByRows. I've tried playing around with the SpecialRowSeparator property and the SpecialRowSeparatorHeight property, but I still have the same problem: there is a lot of extra white space above the summary row. The picture I've attached doesn't really do the problem justice to be honest, but the problem is much more apparent when there are lots of grid lines --> instead of maximizing the grid's area for the extra rows, there is just a bunch of white space and an added scroll bar to get to the extra rows. Any idea what could be causing this? Perhaps a property on the summary row that I haven't played with yet?
I am just checking about the p rogress of this issue. Please let me know If you need my further assistance on this.
I believe that I managed to reproduce your scenario and followed all the steps for that. I was not able to reproduce the behavior you are describing, so could you please take a look at the attached sample and see if it helps or if you will be able to make the behavior as it is in your project. Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
Ah sorry about being a little vague. Your guess as to what I was asking was correct. There is a large gap between the last grid row and the summary row. I should add that it only repro's for me when a) wrap text is enabled and the column header text names are sufficiently long that the wrapping actually happens. Once header wrapping is enabled, try resizing the grid horizontally to force the text wrapping. It appears the white space between the last grid row and the summary row grows proportionally to the vertical size of the column headers.
Hi Charley,
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that, if there are sufficient rows in the grid to fill up the space, there is still a large gap between the last grid row and the summary? How big a gap are we talking about?
I tried this out and I see no gap at all. The real grid rows come right up the summary row.