i have an issue with the Infragistics3.Excel.v10.3 (2128 atm) engine. A Customer is using our implementation to import a Excel 2007 file, with a formula =IF(A2>0;A2;B2-(B2*C2/100)) to calculate a price. But in the cell.value the calculated result from A2=nothing, B2=12,97, C2=31,0 is something like -2.714 if i transfer the calculation to another cell, so that the formula is =IF(A2>0;A2;D2) and D2=B2-(B2*C2/100) it calculates the correct value of 8,9493.
So is there an issue with the engine or am i doing something wrong?
I cannot reproduce the issue with build 2128. Here is the code I used:
CultureInfo cultureInfo = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone();cultureInfo.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo;
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");worksheet.GetCell("B2").Value = 12.97;worksheet.GetCell("C2").Value = 31;WorksheetCell cell = worksheet.GetCell("A1");cell.ApplyFormula("=IF(A2>0;A2;B2-(B2*C2/100))");Console.WriteLine(cell.Value);Console.Read();
The result is see if 8,9493. Can you provide a small sample which reproduces the issue?
here is a sample. The first value i get is -2.723,7 the second is the correct of 8,9493