There seems to be about a 2 second delay between the time the form is displayed and the time the UltraListViewItems are displayed in the form. The UltraListViewItems are loaded all at once into the UltraListView control using the AddRange method. I would say there are about 50 UltraListViewItems added to the UltraListView control in the form. Does the UltraListView control have some event I can register for and wait on that will indicate the control completely load and ready for rendering? I am looking for a way to have to have the items displayed the for is displayed and not two seconds later.
I have created a small sample, based on the description of this issue, with 150 items in order to reproduce this behavior on my machine and I was not able to see a delay about 2 seconds. Please see the attached sample. Please modify my sample in order to be able to reproduce this issue on my machine or tell me, what I am missing.
I am waiting for your feedback.
In your demo you sent me there seems also to be about a second or two delay between the time the form is displayed and the time the ultralistviewitems are displayed in the uitralistview control.
Ok. The information that populates the listview contol are obtain from a database off site.
The database is an ARCGIS database but bein that. Isn't there an event that I can handle from the UltraListView control that will notify when all the information has been load from the AddRange method and the control is ready to be rendered to be displayed?