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Grid Excel Export -> Repaint Problem in Excel 2007 / 2010

We changed a lot of our grid excel export to the new excel format (.xlsx), using the Infragistics3-Excel-dlls v9.2.

If we now add a formula behind the grid-data (or even if we enter data an formulars on another worksheet of the workbook), changes of the data do not repaint the formula-result correctly. It looks as if the new number ist painted over the old number. Scrolling the worksheet or changing the column width do repaint the column, but the next recalculation is again painted over the former number(s).

With .xlsx this repaint-problem occurs in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. It is the same from Visual Studio 2008 (.Net Framework 3.5) and from Visual Studio2010 (.Net Framework 4).

We don't have the effect, if exporting in Excel-2003-Format (.xls). But our users would prefer the new excel format.

Printscreen of the not repainted Excel:

I attach a Sample Solution for .Net Framework 4 (Code in .Net Framework 3.5 would be identical).


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  • 71886
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    I tried this and it seems to work fine for me. What you could do is upgrading to the latest service release available for your current version or either download the trial version of Net Advantage 11.2 and test your application against it.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.

