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Visible Rows collection

I see a visibleindex property of the row object, but for the life of me I cannot find the visibleindex collection.  I have a grid with a huge dataset and when filtered, I want to loop through just the filtered visible rows rather than looping through thousands of rows hidden.

Alternatively, is there  a way to just obtain the collection of filtered rows?


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  • 469350
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    I'm pretty sure VisibleIndex refers to the rows on-screen, not necessarily all of the rows that are not filtered out or hidden.

    What you can do is get an enumerator from the Rows collection which skips hidden rows. There are a bunch of these with various options that you can access from the Rows collection. Like so:

    foreach (UltraGridRow row in this.ultraGrid1.Rows.GetFilteredInNonGroupByRows())

