I am using ultra WinGanttView and I want to change the style of header of timeline section.I set it to day view but it show me only symbols like S M T W T F S S . I want that date should also come and how to change it dynamically?
Maybe one possible approach could be if you are using property "HeaderTextFormat = dddd"; Please take a look at the attached video file and screenshot for more details.
It's right ,but I want to do it dynamically.I have found some way to do it
ultraGanttViewProjects.TimelineSettings.PrimaryInterval = new DateInterval(1, DateIntervalUnits.Days); DateInterval newInterval = new DateInterval(1, DateIntervalUnits.Days); newInterval.HeaderTextFormat = "dd"; ultraGanttViewProjects.TimelineSettings.AdditionalIntervals.Add(newInterval);
This will show both date and day.
I suppose that you are talking about this thread http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/t/66611.aspx
Please take a look there.
Thanks for reply
Please reply to my other post as well.
Maybe will be better to used the code below instead of added new Intervals. By this way you will achieve desired behavior.
DateInterval newInterval = new DateInterval(1, DateIntervalUnits.Days); newInterval.HeaderTextFormat = "ddd"; ultraGanttView1.TimelineSettings.PrimaryInterval = newInterval;
DateInterval newInterval = new DateInterval(1, DateIntervalUnits.Days);
newInterval.HeaderTextFormat = "ddd";
ultraGanttView1.TimelineSettings.PrimaryInterval = newInterval;
Let me know if you have any questions