We need to drag and drop appointmenst from UltraDayview to UltraMonthViewSingle.
Can somebody please point me into the right direction ?
An example would be great .
We are using Netadvantage for Windows Forms 2009.2 and Progress ABL.
Hello Pit,
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements.Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
Hello Boris,
Thank you for your swift reply .
We are using .Net and Infragistics as a front end for Progress Openedge Database and Openedge ABL. This means we always need to do some interpretation on the examples; they never are readily usable.
The first thing I see when I look into the example project that you provided is that the approach seems different from the way in which I was able to make it work in the meantime.
So now I wonder if there would be any benefit in trying to interpret the example any further in order to use it instead of what I have now.
In that regard I would appreciate if you could give me your opinion on doing things in the following way:
0. ultraDayView and ultraMonthViewSingle share the same bindingsource
1. In the AppointmentsDragDrop event of ultraDayView do:
- pick-up the appointment that is being dragged and remember it
- invoke DoDragDrop method on ultraMonthViewSingle
2. In the DragEnter event of ultraMonthViewSingle do:
- use GetDayFromPoint method to get the day where the appointment is being dragged to
(using System.Drawing.Point built from e.X and e.Y)
- remember the date
3. In the AppointmentsDragComplete event of UltradayView do:
- change the date of the appointment to the new date
- save the appointment
- refresh the bindingsource
It seems to work. Am I overlooking something ?
Thanks again,