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Event that fires the moment someone enters text into cell of new (add) row?

Hi, so there is a behavior for the  "add" row in a grid at the moment someone enters text in a cell.  It moves the new row into the actual result set (changing its color from gray to white) and initializes all of the cells (so if a cell is decimal type, it defaults to 0).  

Is there an event attached to this behavior?  I want to have it where the second they type text into a cell, it poplulates other cells with custom default values.  Right now, I am using the BeforeRowUpdate event, but it only fires when they click off of the newly added row.  

  • 71886
    Offline posted


    I believe that the row 'moves' into the actual result set when you click in it. In this case the 'BeforeRowInsert' event of the 'UltraGrid' control will be fired.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.


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