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Ultragrid- how to export all data in all the pages to excel

 A request was made to export all data in a report, not just what is displayed on the page currently displayed. This would allow the user the ability to see and manipulate data in whatever fashion that may be prohibited by the paging mechanism. Dev to confirm if this is possible.

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  • 115

     1. How to disable Export to Excel icon in UltraGrid until export is complete, we need to indicate the export is in progress

    2. This exists in current demo version today, however only the final page should have a label of "Grand Summaries".  All other prior pages should display a label of "Sub-Totals"
    Example • If there are 10 pages of data and the Amount and Base Amount on each page equals 1,000 and 1,500, respectively, I expect 1,000 and 1,500 be displayed at the bottom of each page with a total of 10,000 and 15,000 on the last page.                                                                                                              • Grouping and "Selected Summaries" chosen (if applicable) should remain in tact in Excel

    3. Even if the data shown on grid is of 1 page, how to export ALL the data in the dataset to excel without binding it to Ultragrid
